Panel on Nature Interconnectedness: Ecology, Spirituality, & Psychedelics
I will be moderating a panel on ecology, spirituality, and psychedelics at Chacruna Institute’s Psychedelic Culture conference.
I will be moderating a panel on ecology, spirituality, and psychedelics at Chacruna Institute’s Psychedelic Culture conference.
Join this free online conversation with plant writer and nature mentor Pete Yeo exploring new and ancient perspectives about plants.
Join us for this free online conversation with Marcello Di Paola in a conversation about his important newly edited book The Vegetal Turn: History, Concepts, Applications.
I will be presenting Consciousness and Plants at MQ Academy in Zürich, Switzerland.
I will be presenting on a "vegetal turn" for psychedelic plants and fungi at the ALPS conference.
I will be presenting on relationships with psychedelic plants and fungi at the ICPR conference.
Join us for this free online conversation with scholar Keith Williams about plants as relatives, partners, and co-creators with humans.
Join us for this free online program on the new book The Plant Thieves: Secrets of the Herbarium with author Prudence Gibson.
Join me for an inspiring conversation with James Canton, author of Grounded, exploring how the sacred can be accessed by looking to the past, to our ancestors and where and how they fostered spiritual communion with the natural world.
Join us for this free online program on the new book Vegetal Entwinements in Philosophy and Art with editors Giovanni Aloi & Michael Marder.
Join me for a conversation on the book Planta Sapiens: The New Science of Plant Intelligence with authors Paco Calvo and Natalie Lawrence.
I will be presenting on training in psychedelic-assisted therapy at the Sana Symposium.
I will be presenting my paper Merleau-Ponty and the Silence of the Forest at the 2022 Pacific Association for Continental Philosophy conference.
This 1-unit course was offered at CIIS for Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness as well as Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion students in the Summer 2022 semester.
Join the CIIS Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion program for a panel with alumnae.
Join me for a conversation on the book The Mind of Plants with John C. Ryan, Patricia Vieira & Monica Gagliano.
Join for a conversation with Lucy that is an uplifting rallying cry for a wilder way of life—for finding asylum in the soil and joy in the trees—which might just help us to save the living planet, as well as ourselves.
I will be speaking at the Uprooting the Anthropocene: (re-)centring trees in tree-human relationships conference. My talk is Phenomenology as a Way of Relating to Arboreal Others, part of the panel New Approaches to Trees in the Humanities, on July 22nd at 12:30pm BST.
Join scholar and CIIS staff member Laura Pustarfi for a conversation about Suzanne's life and work, her latest book, and learn more about the connectedness of the Mother Tree that nurtures the forest in the profound ways that families and human societies do, and how these inseparable bonds enable our survival.
Join me for this free online conference June 17-18. I will be speaking on A Place for Trees: Toward Arboreal Rights on Friday, June 18th from 12:15 - 12:25 pm PT. I am also part of the organizing collaborative for this conference.
I will be speaking at the IAEP Conference on Oct. 10th on Arboreality and the Ethics of Standing in Place.
Join us for a day of guided meditation focused on the spring equinox in a beautiful, private forest garden.
Join Nina Horne and Laura Pustarfi, Ph.D., for a day of guided meditation in a beautiful, private forest garden.
Join Nina Horne and Laura Pustarfi, Ph.D., for a day of guided meditation in a beautiful, private forest garden.
Part of a panel at the World-Ecology Research Network Conference 2019
A Talk & Workshop hosted by the Meaning Quotient
Please join me as I defend my dissertation!
In person at CIIS or streaming online: https://ciis.zoom.us/j/818267390
(details on event page)
Our relationships to non-humans like trees create opportunities for reimagining who we are as humans especially within the Western tradition where trees are either seen as resources for human use or beautiful scenery.
How do our relationships with non-humans affirm our humanity?
What can trees teach us about spirituality in a treeless landscape? This talk will explore trees and spirituality using phenomenology, philosophy, and meditation.